Facebook Memories-A Circle of Friends
Exactly eleven years ago today. I had a celebration called A Circle of Friends. This is a bittersweet memory. But I remember it like it...

Domestic Violence Awareness: Sex is Not Affection
Domestic violence usually starts off with small symptoms and we don’t recognize them because we have let down our defenses with sex...

Male Sensitivity
How often have you heard the phrase "I need a man who is sensitive?” It is resounded from women everywhere. A woman's desire for her...

Diabolical Assassin
Come on in and take a seat we have a good one today, listen if anything you read resonates with you just raise your hands, if it steps on...

Reminder: A Letter to you My Friend
Yours Truly 143 Friendship Lane Hearts Way, All Around the World 12345 My Dear Friend, From my heart to yours, you’re receiving this...

Not Bitter, Just Disappointed
Disclaimer: I can only speak for myself and from my experiences and observations. If what I say resonates with you great if not still...

Whose Valentine is it Anyway?!?!
Come out come out wherever you are, and meet the young lady who fell from a star.-Billie Burke As I was driving home today and watched...

Do You Even Like Me?
Disclaimer: I am not a Political Analyst or Activist all thoughts and comments are those of my own observation and/or thought processes,...

The Game of Convenience
All comments are written according to opinion, I am not proclaiming to be a professional giver of advise, but just a giver of knowledge...

A Desire Deferred
Innocence of time, overwhelmed by tarnished dreams of ecstasy, lustful nights of passion intertwined with guilt and pain. Heated...