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Vote and be at Peace

Hey there #Stormchasers, today is a very important day. If you have not voted already please get to the polls and vote, why I’m so glad you asked. Your vote matters. Your voice matters. You have the privilege to vote, someone gave his/her life, time, and sacrifice so you could freely vote. Voting is your way of saying thank you. Secondly, you can’t complain if you are a part of the process. Lastly, make your voice heard. #IVoted

With that being said, I’m well aware of the anxiety and the stress that many of you are feeling concerning this election. You have worked yourselves into a frenzy about things you really have no control over. I want to pray for you today. I don’t have any control over what happens, but I do have influence in the Kingdom of God. So, I’ll intercede on your behalf that your life is still intact when this is all over. When you arise in the morning no matter who sits in the seat of President, I need you to be seated in a place of peace and know that the heart of the king is in the hands of the Lord. You can always pray to God for the covering of your life and livelihood.

Do not allow any one person to control the quality of your life. We honor the office of the presidency because it’s ordained by God, we pray for whomever is in leadership because God has commanded us to do so. You want righteous leaders so we all can live peaceable lives. Rest today in knowing you were a part of the process but remain focused on the promise, God’s word is true he said he would never leave us nor forsake us.

So, Father I thank you that you always hear me when I pray. I intercede on behalf of those who may not have total confidence in you yet, rest in their hearts today. Give them your peace which surpasses all understanding. Protect their hearts and minds from the fiery darts of the wicked. I ask that you place the hedge of protection over their lives and their families.

Father no matter who sits in the office of the presidency, we thank you that they will lead righteously, and they will seek godly counsel for the good of all people. We thank you that your wisdom will begin to manifest in the hearts and minds of the leaders. You God are our source, you said in your word you are a shield to all th

at trust in you. I trust you God with my very life. So, we rest in you today. Protect those as they are out voting Father, we rebuke fear and an anxiety. Satan, we serve you notice you are still a defeated foe; you are a liar. We bind every plot, plan, and scheme you have set up against the people of God to deter, distract and deceive. We are victorious, we are conquerors. We settle ourselves in your word today. We are trusting you Father. In Jesus Name…Amen.

#Stormchasers be blessed today. And rest in knowing God got your back. Don’t allow yourself to sit around and consume stats, details, fake reports, and bad vibes all day. Guard your hearts and minds with all diligence. You do/did your part, and you go on with life. I commend for being a part of the democratic process today and encourage you to begin to wholeheartedly rest in the Lord. #Vote #YourVoteCounts #TrustGod #RestinGod


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